Theologian's Almanac for Week of April 28, 2024


Welcome to SALT’s “Theologian’s Almanac,” a weekly selection of important birthdays, holidays, and other upcoming milestones worth marking — specially created for a) writing sermons and prayers, b) creating content for social media channels, and c) enriching your devotional life.

For the week of Sunday, April 30:

April 30 is the birthday of Annie Dillard, American non-fiction writer and novelist. After finishing a master’s thesis on Thoreau’s Walden, she set about writing a memoir of her time living along a creek in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. She wove first-hand observations and marvelous facts about the natural world with reflections on theology and literature, and the result, A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, won the Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction in 1975. Dillard was 29 years old.

Here’s how the book begins: “I live by a creek, Tinker Creek, in a valley in Virginia’s Blue Ridge. An anchorite’s hermitage is called an anchor-hold; some anchor-holds were simple sheds clamped to the side of a church like a barnacle or a rock. I think of this house clamped to the side of Tinker Creek as an anchor-hold. It holds me at anchor to the rock bottom of the creek itself and keeps me steadied in the current, as a sea anchor does, facing the stream of light pouring down. It’s a good place to live; there’s a lot to think about.”

But here’s the kicker: Dillard decided to omit from her masterpiece several things about her life, including the fact that she lived in the house with her husband (a writing professor), and that the house wasn’t a Walden-in-the-woods, much less a hermitage, but rather was located in a conventional suburban development in Roanoke, with a backyard that sloped down to a little stream. Many reviewers (and readers) mistakenly assumed Dillard wrote while living alone in a remote cabin in the wilderness. In the end, this isn’t sleight-of-hand so much as a splendid act of imagination and insight: through Dillard’s eyes, we can see how “wilderness” — and the quality of mind wilderness can provide — is actually all around us, even in suburbia!

You can read some of Dillard’s thoughts on creativity and writing here.

May 1 is May Day, a date with a host of holidays in its history. The Celts of the British Isles considered it the day that divided the year in half, between light and dark, with May Day marking the return of life and fertility. Ancient Romans devoted the day to celebrating Flora, the goddess of flowers. And in the mid-nineteenth century, the international movement for workers’ rights — including the movement for the eight-hour work day — claimed May 1st as Labor Day. After the 1894 Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland officially moved Labor Day to September in order to disassociate it from May Day’s historic connections to the rights of workers. Today May 1st is still a day of rallies and protest in many parts of the world, and in 2006, May Day demonstrations returned to the United States, calling attention to the rights of immigrants.

May 3 is Good Friday for many Orthodox Christians in Europe, Africa, and Middle East. The Orthodox Church calculates the date of Easter (and thus Good Friday) according to the Julian Calendar — as opposed to the Gregorian Calendar, which Pope Gregory instituted in 1582 in order to incorporate advances in astronomy and timekeeping.

And on a lighter note, May 4 is Star Wars Day, a fan-created play on the famous Star Wars phrase, “May the Force be with you”: “May the Fourth be with you.” Not to be outdone, other fans of the franchise celebrate the beloved villains of the saga, the Sith, two days later, calling it the “Revenge of the Sixth” (a play on episode three, “Revenge of the Sith").