Prince of Peace: SALT's Commentary for Second Sunday of Advent
Advent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerAdvent Resources, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1:1-8, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week Two, Advent Week 2, Advent Week 2 Year B, Mark 1:1-8
The Night before Christmas: Part One
Keep Awake: SALT's Commentary for First Sunday of Advent
Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resources, AdventElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Lectionary Commentary Advent Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Advent 1B, Advent 1B, Lectionary Commentary Advent 1B, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Mark 13:24-37
The Least of These: SALT's Commentary for Reign of Christ the King Sunday
"Annunciation," by Marie Howe
Courageous Love: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week Four
Daily Inspiration, Worship Resources, Christmas, Lectionary Commentary, AdventElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Advent Resources, Love, Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 1:18-25 commentary, Isaiah 7:10-16, Isaiah 7:10-16 commentary, Advent 4A, Advent Week Four, Joseph
Visible Joy: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week Three
Advent, Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerAdvent Sermon Resources, Advent Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Progressive Advent Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Matthew 11:2-11, Matthew 11:2-11 commentary, Isaiah 35:1-10, Isaiah 35:1-10 commentary, Third Week of Advent, Advent Week 3, Advent 3A
Change Your Mind: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week Two
Advent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resources, Daily InspirationElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Resources, Matthew 3:1-12, Matthew 3:1-12 commentary, Isaiah 11:1-10, Isaiah 11:1-10 commentary, Advent Week 2 Year A, Advent Week 2, Advent Week Two, wheat and chaff
"Making the House Ready for the Lord," by Mary Oliver
Be Ready: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week One
Advent, Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Advent Resources, Matthew 24:36-44, Matthew 24:36-44 commentary, Isaiah 2:1-5, Isaiah 2:1-5 commentary, First week of Advent, First week of Advent Year A, First week of Advent Year A commentary
"The Work of Christmas," by Howard Thurman
"On the Mystery of the Incarnation" by Denise Levertov
"Christmas Poem," by E. E. Cummings
Van Gogh and Christmas
Understanding Christmas - Part Four: Rethinking Christmas
"Black Rook in Rainy Weather," by Sylvia Plath
Theologian's Almanac for Week of December 19, 2021
Advent, Christmas, Daily Inspiration, Theologian's Almanac, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerCharles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, Winter Solstice, Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It, Christmas Eve Truce, Silent Night, Silent Night history, Earthrise, Earthrise 1968, Fessenden, first radio broadcast, Christmas Day history, Christmas, St. Francis Nativity, St. Francis, Clara Barton, Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, Kwanzaa, Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, Endless forms most beautiful
Free Advent Film: Let Every Heart
Understanding Christmas - Part Three: Heart of the Matter
"john," "a song of mary," and "mary's dream," by Lucille Clifton