DIGITAL/Printable Resources
Experience the brightest and best of Christianity with SALT’s beautifully designed, tenderly written,
open minded, open hearted church print resources.
Lift Up Your Voice: Singing through Lent and Easter

Lift Up Your Voice: Singing through Lent and Easter (Personal)
Coming Back to Life: Devotions and Activities for Lent
Vincent van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent: A Lenten Devotional
Floriography: A Lenten “Flower Power” Calendar
Climate + Faith:
How We Can Help Meet The Greatest Challenge In Human History
Emily Dickinson and the Poetry of Lent: A Lenten Devotional
C.S. Lewis And The Delightful, Diabolical Daring Of Lent: A Lenten Companion To “The Screwtape Letters”
The Poetry of Lent: A Lenten Companion to Mary Oliver's "Devotions"
Henri Matisse And The Colors Of Lent: A Lenten Devotional
Into the Wild: A Family-Friendly Devotional on Henri Matisse and the Season of Lent
Bless This Mess: DIY Lenten Calendar
40-Day “Love Builds Up” Lenten Family Challenge
Wendell Berry and the Sabbath Poetry of Lent
Breaking the Chains: A Family-Friendly Lenten Devotional
Holy Week Tenebrae: A Home-Based Devotional
Understanding the Cross:
A Home-Based Holy Week Devotional on Jesus’ “Seven Last Words”
All Creatures Great and Small: A Giving Campaign
Abundant Life: A Giving Campaign Suite
Grace in Action: A Giving Campaign Suite
A Future with Hope: A Stewardship Campaign Suite for a New Day
"Together for Joy" Stewardship Suite for a New Day
Starry Nights: An Advent Devotional Full of Light and Wonder
The Poetry of Advent: An Advent Companion to Mary Oliver’s “Devotions”
Advent Unbound: A Companion to Pádraig Ó Tuama’s “Poetry Unbound”
A "Less is More" Christmas Poster and Devotional
A Mason Jar Advent: Advent Calendar
Magnify: Mary’s Song and the Magnificent Women of Advent
Mary "House of God" Christmas Poster and Devotional
The Dawn Chorus: An Advent Devotional on the Wonders of Birds
E. E. Cummings and the Joyful Poetry of Advent
Maya Angelou and the Freedom Poetry of Advent
Advent and Hygge: The Art of Coziness
Naming Jesus: A Family-Friendly Devotional
Say Yes: Advent Weekly Placemats
Mary "Revolution of Love" Advent Coloring Pages
Advent In Full Color: Devotional Coloring Booklet
Mary "Revolution of Love" Advent Coloring Posters
An Ugly Christmas Sweater Christmas Pageant: An Online, Interactive, All-Ages Extravaganza!
"Great and Small" Guide to the Most Okayest Summer Ever!
Hospitality Audit: Tools of the Trade
The Anatomy of a Christian: A Zine on Privilege and Solidarity
Guide to Self-Care for Families Together at Home
Bonus Printable Awesomeness!