Say Yes: Advent Weekly Placemats (Congregational Use: 100 to 500 Members)

Say Yes: Advent Weekly Placemats (Congregational Use: 100 to 500 Members)
For generations, households of all shapes and sizes have celebrated Advent around dinner tables, lighting candles to help count down the weeks until Christmas morning. With this tradition in mind, SALT is delighted to introduce these weekly Advent devotional placemats, one for each week - hope, peace, joy, and love - plus a fifth for Christmas Eve/Day! These are perfect as Advent calendar gift ideas!
Hand drawn by renowned Brooklyn-based illustrator Cat Willett and creatively conceived by Senior-Minister-of-Awesomeness Rev. Robyn Bles, these placemats are perfect for exploring the depth of the season in a fun new way. Words from scripture woven together with Advent’s big ideas and luminaries: Mary and Joseph, shepherds and Wise Ones, and of course Emmanuel, God with us!
Each order comes with three different versions of the entire set of Advent placemats: one in black and white (great for coloring!), one with a color foreground and black-and-white background, and one in glorious full color (we recommend laminating these to enjoy for years to come). What’s more, these lovely placemats have an equally lovely companion, “Say Yes: Advent Customizable Short Film”!
Files: This listing is for a downloadable PDFs and comes with printing instructions. These placemats are formatted to print at home or your local print shop on 11 x 17 paper. (You can also print them on 8.5 x 11 paper if you like. Just allow your printer to size them down.)
Please note: you will not receive a physical product as this is a digital download.
Finally, “Say Yes! Weekly Advent Placemats” is for personal/congregational use only, which means these pages may not be reproduced commercially, duplicated, or resold :)
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