All Creatures Great and Small: A Giving Campaign (Congregational Use: 100 Members or Less)

All Creatures Great and Small: A Giving Campaign (Congregational Use: 100 Members or Less)
At its heart, a vibrant stewardship campaign is an opportunity to live into our deepest calling: to generously care for our community, for all God’s children, great and small.
“All Creatures Great and Small: A Giving Campaign Suite” is a fully customizable kit designed to give you and your team a beautiful, practical framework for your own campaign of stewardship, care, and generosity.
Organized around Psalm 104's celebration of all God's creatures, including humanity, this kit is designed to help your congregation explore what "being human" is really all about: creativity, generosity, and joy. At any age and stage of life, when we give and care and love, we become the people God made us to be!
The kit includes:
A series of three letters, customizable to your context
Campaign Logo and Letterhead
A beautifully designed, customizable pledge card and giving chart
For families, an engaging “All Ages Pledge Poster,” to help include all God's children in the campaign!
Worship resource ideas for the campaign (four weeks’ worth), including Sermon Starters, Calls to Worship, Calls to Offering, Prayers of Dedication, and Benedictions
Engaging art work to bring the campaign together, perfect for bulletins, newsletters, email, website, social media, etc.
A lovely social media collection of campaign-specific prompts to encourage community conversation and a spirit of gratitude and joy
(And check out SALT’s four other stewardship kits, each including these resources with different content and a different organizing theme: “Abundant Life,” “Grace in Action,” “A Future with Hope,” and “Together for Joy.”)
Files: This listing is for a downloadable stewardship kit that includes editable Word Docs, PDFs, PNGs, and printing/usage instructions for everything. In addition, the suite also includes Canva versions of the assets (Canva is a free, user-friendly design platform that allows you to customize virtually everything about the assets to fit your context). Moreover, everything in this kit can be distributed to your congregation electronically as well.