Find Your Slow Summer (Congregational Use: 500+ Members)

Find Your Slow Summer (Congregational Use: 500+ Members)
“Find Your Slow Summer” will help individuals and congregations soak in the summer season, going slow and savoring every moment. This beautifully designed, ten-page guide includes 50 slow summer ideas - but don’t think of it as a to-do list. Instead, it’s a menu of marvels from which you can pick and choose as the Spirit moves!
These ideas will invite you to kick off your shoes, climb trees, stay up late, catch fireflies, dig for worms, ban the busy, and slow down enough to enjoy God’s beauty all around (and, it comes with a super cute screensaver for all your devices!).
Files: This listing is for a downloadable PDF and comes with printing instructions and a “Go Play” screensaver (or should we say "screensavor"?) for your devices! Please note: you will not receive a physical product as this is a digital download.
Finally, Find Your Slow Summer is for personal/congregational use only, which means this booklet may not be reproduced commercially, duplicated, or resold :)