Hospitality Audit: Tools of the Trade (Congregational Use: 500+ Members)

Hospitality Audit: Tools of the Trade (Congregational Use: 500+ Members)
“Hospitality Audit: Tools of the Trade” Guide + Poster
Hospitality is at the heart of Christian life, and so for churches today, the question is: as we move forward, how can we widen and deepen the “welcome” we’re offering to the world? What are we doing well? What can we improve? How can we become a place that feels a little more like home to sojourners traveling along life’s way?
SALT’s “Hospitality Audit: Tools of the Trade” is a lively, theologically grounded, step-by-step guide for congregations to evaluate their hospitality and make intentional, doable, effective improvements. The root of the word “audit” is “to hear,” and accordingly, each “tool of the trade” in this resource functions as a portal through which we can listen to a specific dimension of church life - from web presence to music to coffee hour.
Written by the amazing Sandhya Rani Jha, this 20-page booklet is packed with scripture, accessible theology, practical tips, and effective strategies for renewing your congregation’s hospitality. Perfect for pastors, lay leaders, and teams devoted to more effectively representing God’s wide open welcome, remembering we are guests welcomed by the One who made us to welcome one another.
What’s more, each purchase also comes with the beautifully designed, hand illustrated “Hospitality: Tools of the Trade” Poster - a lovely reminder and celebration of the many tools of hospitality at the heart of Christian life, both at church and at home.
And for a seamless, multidimensional approach featuring the same artwork, SALT’s “Hospitality: Tools of the Trade” Kit comes with a “Hospitality” Customizable Short Film, the “Hospitality Audit” printable, and the “Hospitality: Tools of the Trade” poster. Use the film, audit, and poster together for a holistic, church-wide “Welcome Campaign”!
Files: This listing is for downloadable PDFs, printing instructions, and an e-reader version of the resources. Any or all of these can be distributed electronically to members of your congregation.
Please note: you will not receive a physical product as this is a digital download. This resource is for congregational use only, which means it may not be reproduced commercially, duplicated, or resold :)