Posts in Lectionary Commentary
Reign of Heaven: SALT's Commentary for Epiphany 3
Lamb of God: SALT's Commentary for Epiphany 2
Epiphany, Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resources, Daily InspirationElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Epiphany Resources, Epiphany Sermon Resources, Epiphany Worship Resources, John 1:29-42, John 1:29-42 commentary, Isaiah 49:1-7, Isaiah 49:1-7 commentary, Lamb of God, What does Lamb of God mean?, Calling, Vocation
Showings: SALT's Commentary for Epiphany and Jesus' Baptism
Daily Inspiration, Epiphany, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerMatthew 2:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 commentary, Visit of the Magi, Visit of the Magi meaning, Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 3:13-17 commentary, Jesus' baptism, Epiphany, Epiphany Sunday
Courageous Love: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week Four
Daily Inspiration, Worship Resources, Christmas, Lectionary Commentary, AdventElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Advent Resources, Love, Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 1:18-25 commentary, Isaiah 7:10-16, Isaiah 7:10-16 commentary, Advent 4A, Advent Week Four, Joseph
Visible Joy: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week Three
Advent, Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerAdvent Sermon Resources, Advent Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Progressive Advent Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Matthew 11:2-11, Matthew 11:2-11 commentary, Isaiah 35:1-10, Isaiah 35:1-10 commentary, Third Week of Advent, Advent Week 3, Advent 3A
Change Your Mind: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week Two
Advent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resources, Daily InspirationElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Resources, Matthew 3:1-12, Matthew 3:1-12 commentary, Isaiah 11:1-10, Isaiah 11:1-10 commentary, Advent Week 2 Year A, Advent Week 2, Advent Week Two, wheat and chaff
Be Ready: SALT's Commentary for Advent Week One
Advent, Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Advent Resources, Matthew 24:36-44, Matthew 24:36-44 commentary, Isaiah 2:1-5, Isaiah 2:1-5 commentary, First week of Advent, First week of Advent Year A, First week of Advent Year A commentary
Power and Mercy: SALT's Commentary for Reign of Christ/Christ the King Sunday
New Heavens, New Earth: SALT's Commentary for Twenty-Third Week after Pentecost
What's Resurrection For? SALT's Commentary for Twenty-Second Week after Pentecost
A Camel Through a Needle: SALT's Commentary for Twenty-First Week after Pentecost
The Humility Trap: SALT's Lectionary Commentary for Twentieth Week after Pentecost
Faith on Earth: SALT's Commentary for Nineteenth Week after Pentecost
Thanking is Believing: SALT's Commentary for Eighteenth Week after Pentecost
Little Faith: SALT's Lectionary Commentary for Seventeenth Week after Pentecost
Listen: SALT's Lectionary Commentary for Sixteenth Week after Pentecost
What Is Money For? SALT's Commentary for Fifteenth Week after Pentecost
Rejoice with Me: SALT's Commentary for Fourteenth Week after Pentecost
Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary for Ordinary Time, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Luke 15:1-10, Luke 15:1-10 commentary, Lost Coin parable, Lost Coin parable meaning, Lost Sheep parable, Lost Sheep parable meaning
Giving Up: SALT's Commentary for Thirteenth Week after Pentecost
Daily Inspiration, Worship Resources, Lectionary Commentary, Ordinary TimeElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary for Ordinary Time, cross, potter's wheel, Luke 14:25-33, Luke 14:25-33 commentary, Luke 14:25-33 meaning, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Lectionary Commentary Luke 14:25-33, Jeremiah 18:1-11, Jeremiah 18:1-11 commentary, Jeremiah 18:1-11 meaning
Turning Tables: SALT’s Commentary for Twelfth Week after Pentecost