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Salt March

Gandhi led more than 100,000 people on the "Salt March," a non-violent campaign in which the protesters made their own salt from the sea, an illegal act under British rule, as it avoided paying colonial taxes.  This civil disobedience inspired millions of common folks to change the world - and here we connect you to similarly inspiring ideas, projects, and people working for real and lasting change.


God does not abandon us but instead chooses to enter into our suffering, promising a new word of life - and we are called to proclaim the good news through solidarity with all in need.  With that in mind, SALT introduces you to an amazing organization that - through research, prevention, care, treatment programs, and advocacy - works to free children from HIV in Rwanda and throughout southern Africa.  When we stand in hopeful, active solidarity with HIV+ children, we become bearers of resurrection life! 


The basis of baptism is water, grace-filled water.  With that in mind, let us introduce you to an inspiring organization that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.  Because water - grace-filled water! - changes everything.


When we bless, we are challenged to be the agents of the very change we seek.  In that spirit, let us introduce you to an organization that is helping millions of school-age children around the world infected by parasites that harm their health and limit their participation in school - together we can bless, become a blessing, and plan more "backpack blessings" around the world!


God says through the mouth of Amos: “Do you know what I want?  I want justice, oceans of it.  I want fairness, rivers of it.  That’s what I want.  That’s all I want (Amos 5:24, The Message).  With that in mind, let us introduce you to an organization of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ that is helping God bring oceans of justice and rivers of fairness to the ends of the earth!  From micro-lending in the Congo to building a theological library in Haiti, this organization is bringing the mountains down low.


Making thoughtful, prayerful, everyday decisions can be an important step towards a sustainable future - for our households, for our neighborhoods, and for all of creation.  In that spirit, let us introduce you to a powerful organization that makes participating in positive change an easy, rewarding part of everyday life.


House Party

Thank you for your interest in hosting a SALT House Party to experience, explore, reclaim, and share the beauty of Christianity!

SALT is encouraging individuals and church communities to join with groups across the country (and around the world!) who are gathering together for home viewing parties.  This house party initiative hopes to build communities of conversation and resources-sharing that, like salt itself, preserve and season the best and most beautiful of the Christian tradition.

So, if you or your community of faith, would like to host a SALT House Party, drop us a line and we'll put your name in a hat to win a step-by-step "how-to" guide, one of SALT's short films, a small group discussion guide, and resources for taking action!

And, don't forget: we want to know how your house party went!  Capture the occasion by taking a group picture or some candid shots (or both!), send the photos with some brief descriptions and we'll post them on our FB page for the rest of the SALT community to enjoy!

Drop us a line and/or send us your photos:



And, to do all this well, we need your support! 


Give Time

As a new start up with fledgling resources, we almost always need help with administrative tasks in our "office."  If you live in the Indianapolis area and would be willing to give us a hand packaging, mailing, shipping, filing, and more (much more!), let us know:

Give Talent

If you are looking for more creative volunteer opportunities such as editing, graphic design, moviemaking, photography, or being a "extra" for an upcoming film, let us know:

Give Treasure

Finally, as a not-for-profit, donor-supported organization, we are always in need of financial support. To help us in this way, click the "Donation" button below.  All gifts will be put directly into the making of the next film!
