Posts tagged Lectionary Commentary for Lent
Why is Jesus Angry? SALT’s Commentary for Lent 3
Lent, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerLenten Resources, Progressive Lenten Resources, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Lent 3B, Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Lent 3B, Lectionary Commentary for Lent, John 2:13-22, John 2:13-22 commentary, Exodus 20:1-17, Exodus 20:1-17 commentary, Lent 3 Year B, Jesus driving out the money changers, Jesus and the Temple
Trust: SALT's Commentary for Lent 1
Lent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Lectionary Commentary for Lent, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Lent 1 Year A, Revised Common Lectionary Lent Year A, Matthew 4:1-11, Matthew 4:1-11 commentary, Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 2:15-17 commentary, Genesis 3:1-7, Genesis 3:1-7 commentary, Lent 1 Year A
Palms and Passion: SALT’s Commentary for Palm/Passion Sunday
Easter, Good Friday, Lectionary Commentary, LentElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary for Lent, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday, Luke 19:28-40, Luke 19:28-40 commentary, Luke 22:14-23:56, Luke 22:14-23:56 commentary
The Poor Won’t Always Be With You: SALT’s Commentary for Lent 5
Lent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary for Lent, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, John 12:1-8, John 12:1-8 commentary, Anointing at Bethany, Deuteronomy 15:7-11, Deuteronomy 15:7-11 commentary, the poor will always be with you, the poor won't always be with you
Lost and Found: SALT’s Lectionary Commentary for Lent 4
Coming to Life: SALT’s Lectionary Commentary for Lent 3
Lent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary for Lent, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Commentary, Luke 13:1-9, Luke 13:1-9 commentary, Lent 3 Year C commentary, Isaiah 55:1-9, Isaiah 55:1-9 commentary, Isaiah 55:1-13, Isaiah 55:1-13 commentary, repentance, repentance meaning
Tender Mercy: SALT’s Lectionary Commentary for Lent 2
The Hidden Fountain: SALT’s Lectionary Commentary for Lent 1
Lent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Lectionary Commentary for Lent, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, Progressive Christian Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resource, Luke 4:1-13, Luke 4:1-13 commentary, Jesus' temptation, Jesus' temptation in the desert, Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, Deuteronomy 8:2-3, Deuteronomy 8:2-3 12-16, Deuteronomy 8:2-3 12-16 commentary