Posts tagged Luke 1:39-56
Love Remakes the World: SALT’s Commentary for Advent Week Four
Advent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, Progressive Christian Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resource, Luke 1:39-56, Luke 1:39-56 commentary, Advent 4C commentary
Fierce Joy: SALT's Commentary for Third Sunday of Advent
Advent, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerAdvent Resources, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Progressive Advent Resources, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week 3B, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week 3, Magnificat, Luke 1:39-56, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Luke 1:39-56, Luke 1:39-56 commentary