Easter: Part Two

What Does Easter Mean

What does Easter mean?

Easter means that mourning and crying and pain do not and will not have the final word.

Easter means that the powers of death and domination, of mockery and might, of the endless cycle of intimidation, torture, scapegoats, violence, and victims – are on the wrong side of history.  They will not prevail, no matter how much it looks like they already have.

Easter means that even when we reach the very end of our rope, the very limits of what is possible, we still have cause for hope, and resistance, and graceful poise.

Easter means that no matter what we have done, we can trust in God’s mercy.  Forgiveness is real, and God calls us home to new life.

Easter means that though the world is full of crosses and cruelty, though it seems that humanity has given up on God – God has not and will not give up on us.

Easter is the mystery of resurrection, of revolution, of renaissance – which does not mean mere resuscitation.  As the Easter stories make clear, Jesus’ risen body is a mystery.  He appears – and disappears.  He has breakfast.  He says, “do not hold on to me.”  He says, “Touch me.”

Easter means all these things and more, like a field of spring wildflowers.  Check in tomorrow for more Easter blooms...

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