faith and belief
Listen to Rev. Matthew Myer Boulton, Associate Professor of Ministry Studies at Harvard Divinity (and our very own co-conspirator here at SALT), engage in conversation with Daniel Dennett, self-proclaimed atheist and Professor of Philosophy at Tufts University, on matters of faith, belief, and the dark night of the soul.
Dennett's latest study reports on interviews with five anonymous clergy who say they doubt the existence of God and yet remain active as religious leaders. Boulton argues that while the study doesn't suggest much at all in terms of social science (since the sample size is so small), it does raise important issues about faith and doubt in Christian life - and that in fact, "seasons of faith and doubt" are as natural as the cycle of the moon and the tides, ebbing and flowing for both leaders and laypeople alike.
And he ends, appropriately enough, with a new way to think about the beloved Advent carol, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel."
Have a listen here. And as always, tell us what you think!
Thanks to Tawni Rae for sharing this goreous photo!