two prayers

Prayer Number One

Dear magnolia tree blooming across the street, we waited all winter to watch you strut your stuff and it was totally worth it!  Amen.

Prayer Number Two

Dear God, thank you for trees that bud and bloom and thank you especially for the mighty magnolia.  Her pink and white flowers fill our hearts with your good news: winter does not last forever, it always gives way to spring.  The same goes for war, violence, and death, they always give way to peace, tenderness, and newness of life.  "Thank you!" is our prayer and we pray it in the name of the one who rose from the dead smelling fragrant and earthy all at the same time. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.


As you can tell, we're feeling thankful for buds and blossoms, magnolia trees and God's good news.  So, tell us, what are you thankful for today?  Take a few moments and let us know so that this community might fill up on good things before our spring-smelling Jesus descends into the valley of the shadow of death. 


Thanks to Marcus Beard for this gorgeous flower that makes our hope bloom!