Posts in Lectionary Commentary
Palms and Passion: SALT's Commentary for Palm/Passion Sunday
Lent, Easter, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerPalms and Passion, Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday, Lectionary Commentary on Palm Sunday, Lectionary Commentary on Mark 11:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Mark 14:1-14:47, Progressive Lectionary Commentary on Palm Sunday
The Hour Has Come: SALT’s Commentary for Lent 5
Love and Mercy: SALT’s Commentary for Lent 4
Lent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, John 3:16, John 3:14-21, John 3:14-21 commentary, Numbers 21:4-9, Numbers 21:4-9 commentary
Why is Jesus Angry? SALT’s Commentary for Lent 3
Lent, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerLenten Resources, Progressive Lenten Resources, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Lent 3B, Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Lent 3B, Lectionary Commentary for Lent, John 2:13-22, John 2:13-22 commentary, Exodus 20:1-17, Exodus 20:1-17 commentary, Lent 3 Year B, Jesus driving out the money changers, Jesus and the Temple
Cross Purposes: SALT’s Commentary for Lent 2
Lent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Lenten Resources, Mark 8:31-38, Mark 8:31-38 commentary, Genesis 17:1-16, Genesis 17:1-16 commentary, What does the cross mean?
Change Your Life: SALT’S Commentary for Lent 1
Transfiguration: SALT’s Commentary for Transfiguration Sunday
Lent, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Epiphany 6 Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Epiphany 6, Mark 9:1-10, 2 Kings 2:1-12, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Transfiguration Year B, Transfiguration, Transfiguration Sunday, Transfiguration Year B, Mark 9:1-10 commentary
What Freedom Is For: SALT’s Commentary for Epiphany Week 5
Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resources, EpiphanyElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Resources for Advent, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1:29-39, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Isaiah 40:21-31
What Is “Salvation”? SALT’s Commentary for Epiphany Week 4
Epiphany, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, Progressive Christian Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Epiphany 4, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Epiphany 4B, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Epiphany 4 Year B, Mark 1:21-28, Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Mark 1:21-28 commentary, Deuteronomy 18:15-20 commentary
Follow Me: SALT’s Commentary for Epiphany Week 3
Come and See: SALT’s Commentary for Epiphany Week 2
Epiphany, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Epiphany Resources, Epiphany Sermon Resources, Epiphany Worship Resources, Progressive Christian Resources for Advent, John 1:43-51, John 1:43-51 commentary, 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 1 Samuel 3:1-10 commentary, 1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20), 1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20) commentary, Epiphany 2 Year B, vocation, calling, Come and see
Showing Forth: SALT's Commentary for Epiphany and Jesus' Baptism
Epiphany, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerEpiphany Resources, Epiphany Worship Resources, Baptism, Jesus' baptism, Matthew 2:1-12 commentary, Matthew 2:1-12, Mark 1:4-11, Mark 1:4-11 commentary, Epiphany commentary, Epiphany Year B
Let It Be: SALT’s Commentary for Fourth Sunday of Advent
Advent, Daily Inspiration, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerAdvent Resources, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Progressive Christian Resources for Advent, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary Advent 4B, Revised Common Lectionary Luke 1:26-38, Luke 1:26-38, The Annunciation, Luke 1:26-38 commentary, Commentary Advent 4B
Fierce Joy: SALT's Commentary for Third Sunday of Advent
Advent, Worship Resources, Lectionary CommentaryElizabeth MyerAdvent Resources, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Progressive Advent Resources, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week 3B, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week 3, Magnificat, Luke 1:39-56, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Luke 1:39-56, Luke 1:39-56 commentary
Prince of Peace: SALT's Commentary for Second Sunday of Advent
Advent, Lectionary Commentary, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerAdvent Resources, Advent Sermon Resources, Advent Worship Resources, Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1:1-8, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week Two, Advent Week 2, Advent Week 2 Year B, Mark 1:1-8
Keep Awake: SALT's Commentary for First Sunday of Advent
Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resources, AdventElizabeth MyerLectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Lectionary Commentary Advent Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Advent 1B, Advent 1B, Lectionary Commentary Advent 1B, Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Mark 13:24-37
The Least of These: SALT's Commentary for Reign of Christ the King Sunday
Be Daring: SALT's Commentary for Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Ordinary Time, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Twenty-Fourth Week after Pentecost, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Matthew 25:14-30, Matthew 25:14-30, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Year A, Matthew 25:14-30 commentary
Light and Delight: SALT's Commentary for Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Blessing Comes First: SALT's Commentary for All Saints' Day
Daily Inspiration, Lectionary Commentary, Ordinary Time, Worship ResourcesElizabeth MyerProgressive Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary All Saints Day Year A, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary All Saints Day, All Saints Day, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary, Matthew 5:1-12 Commentary, Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount